Working towards net zero.

Working towards net zero.

E.ON Next is an energy supplier on a journey to become a leading sustainability company – working to preserve our planet for future generations. We're here to make new energy work for everyone. Becoming net zero is part of the international effort to minimise global warming to below 1.5°C. The UK is one of 197 countries who have agreed to take action under the Paris Agreement. The target set by the UK government is to be net zero by 2050 and to reduce emissions by 68% by 20301.

What does net zero mean?

Net zero means that the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere because of human activity is no longer increasing. This is achieved in two ways:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Reducing the amount of greenhouse gases we emit is the most straightforward way to achieve net zero. Simply put, to prevent adding greenhouse gases into the atmosphere we should stop the activities that produce them and use cleaner alternatives. This is the primary strategy to achieve net zero. Removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere helps to achieve net zero by offsetting our emissions. Offsetting means that any emissions we produce are cancelled out by removing an equal amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This strategy is used because it is not possible to bring emissions all the way to zero - so the aim is to offset the small amount we still emit. By combining these two strategies net zero is absolutely achievable, and will have a huge impact in slowing global warming and reducing climate change.

What are greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse emissions are gases that pollute our atmosphere by trapping heat, which causes global warming. The biggest cause of greenhouse gas emissions is burning fossil fuels (oil, gas, and coal), which are responsible for over 75% of all greenhouse gas emissions2.

How can we achieve net zero?

A big step towards achieving net zero would be replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy to cut down emissions. That means fewer fossil fuel power stations and more wind farms, solar panels, and other innovative renewable energy tech. Forests and oceans also naturally absorb greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). Preventing deforestation and investing in re-planting lost forests will help to absorb more pollution. Projects that remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere offer a helping hand in offsetting emissions on the road to net zero.

What is renewable energy?

Wind. Solar. Hydroelectric. Biomass. Renewable energy has taken root at the heart of the climate conversation. But how much do you actually know about renewable energy?

The Independent’s Decomplicated series, in partnership with E.ON Next, explores the renewable energy transition on the road to net zero, and answers fundamental questions relating to renewables, such as where it comes from and how it is harnessed.

How is E.ON Next working toward net zero?

The E.ON Next journey to net zero has already begun. Here are some of the ways we are working towards becoming a net zero energy company:

  • 100% of the electricity we supply to our Next Gust3 and Next Drive4 customers comes from renewable sources. Learn more about how we supply 100% renewable electricity.

  • We are supporting the switch to electric vehicles (EV) in preparation for the government’s ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel vehicles from 2035 (previously the ban was from 2030, but pushed back to 2035 by the government in 2023). Find out more about the advantages of electric vehicles.

  • We have installed more than 5 million smart meters. Reducing CO2 emissions by better understanding and supplying your exact energy needs5. Check out the benefits of getting a smart meter in your home.

Smart meter customers have their say.

See what our smart meter customers say about their experience with smart meters. Meet Mairead, Clem and Julian who've used their smart meter to budget their energy better.

At E.ON Next we know that together we will make the biggest difference, which is why we are working to make the green choice an easy choice. Our E.ON Next customers are already part of a team that is taking action and building a better future. For more ideas on how you can reduce your carbon footprint (as well as your bill) check out our tips on saving energy.

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The E.ON Next Community is a space for customers to share experiences and offer advice. Find support or suggest your own energy topics, plus get involved in discussions on the latest energy news.

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1. Compared to UK emission levels in 1990. 2. 3. Next Gust Fixed 12 month tariff. Electricity supply backed by agreements with wind generators in Yorkshire. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply. 4. Next Drive electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required. Exit fees and T&Cs apply. 5. With smart meters comes a smarter energy grid, helping us to be more precise about the energy that everyone needs and reducing CO2 emissions by 25% in the next decade.

Published 07/11/2022
Edited 27/08/2024