Where does my electricity come from?

Where does my power come from?

At E.ON Next the electricity we supply comes from the National Grid - even if you are a Next Gust1 or Next Drive2 tariff customer getting our 100% renewable electricity. The majority of electricity that travels through the grid is generated in Britain from a variety of sources, such as solar, wind farms and natural gas power plants (power stations). It then travels to your regional Distribution Network Operator (DNO) before making it into your home. Learn more about how the National Grid transports electricity into your homes and businesses.

What are the main sources of electricity in Great Britain?

Electricity can be generated in a multitude of ways – these include renewable and non-renewable sources. Renewable energy is generated from energy sources that cannot run out – like sunlight and wind. These sources are beneficial to the environment as they do not emit as many greenhouse gases and they avoid the need for invasive practices like fracking to gather fuel. The most used of each type are- Renewable energy sources:

  1. Wind farms.

  2. Biomass power plants.*

  3. Solar panels.

Non-renewable energy sources:

  1. Gas power plants.

  2. Nuclear power plants (nuclear is carbon free energy, but not renewable).

  3. Coal power plants.

See how renewable Britain is right now with this real-time tool that tracks energy sources in the National Grid. In 2000 Britain's top three energy sources were coal, gas, and nuclear power plants3. So far, in 2022, Britain's top three sources of energy have been gas power plants, wind farms, and nuclear power plants4. The rise of wind energy and fall of coal power represents an enormous shift toward renewable and low carbon energy sources over the last two decades. *We generate our own renewable electricity through our biomass plants in Lockerbie and Sheffield which create enough energy to power 100,000 homes.

How is electricity generated?

Traditionally electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels (such as gas and coal) in power stations to release energy in the form of heat. This heat is used to create steam, which spins a turbine that is attached to a generator. As the generator turns inside a strong magnetic field, electricity is generated. We no longer rely completely on fossil fuels, as they emit greenhouse gases that are causing climate change. Instead we can either use a renewable fuel to generate the heat (such as biomass) or use an alternate, renewable way to spin the turbine (such as wind). Photovoltaic cells are a newer technology that allow us to harness solar power.

How much of the National Grid is renewable?

The amount of energy being generated by renewable sources fluctuates depending on the weather. After all, wind turbines rely on windy days to generate energy and solar panels don’t do much in the dark. In 2020 the UK hit a significant milestone – for the first time ever, more of our energy came from renewable sources (43.2%) than from fossil fuels (40.8%)5. Since then, the National Grid has consistently provided around 40% of our annual energy from renewable sources6. Surprisingly the grid is actually more renewable in winter than in summer7, despite energy demand being higher in the colder months8, which can cause backup coal generators to be used. The main reason for this is that Britain’s largest renewable energy source is from wind farms, which produce significantly more energy during the stormy winter months. Find out how you can make the National Grid more sustainable with its Demand Flexibility Service by joining #EnergyShift at E.ON Next.

E.ON Next's commitment to 100% renewable electricity.

Whilst the National Grid is around 40% renewable, at E.ON Next we provide 100% renewable electricity to all our Next Gust1 tariff and Next Drive2 ev tariff customers.. We back every single bit of electricity they get from the grid with a renewable energy source. To do this we have agreements with renewable energy generators and purchase REGOs as proof of where your energy has come from. REGOs are Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin. They are administered by the energy industry regulator, Ofgem, so that you can be certain of their authenticity. One REGO is issued for every megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable energy produced by generators, such as wind farms. We then purchase REGOs equal to the energy used by our customers. Meaning for every single watt of power an E.ON Next fixed tariff customer takes out of the grid, an equal amount has been put in from renewable sources.

Does all your electricity come from Great Britain?

Not always – when demand is high we can get electricity from abroad. Great Britain is not self-sufficient in electricity generation. The National Grid currently has three international undersea cables called interconnectors that let us trade electricity back and forth. They are also building three more to expand the number of countries we can trade with. There are two main benefits to having international interconnectors:

  1. When we need more energy we have access to any extra being produced abroad – especially renewable energy.

  2. When we are producing more renewable energy than we need we can trade it to ensure it is not wasted.

Interconnectors make the National Grid more renewable and improve energy security for all the countries involved. It’s a win for us, a win for them, and a big win for the planet.

Make your home smarter with a smart meter.

Switching to a smart meter means you can see exactly what you are spending on your energy in real time. Knowledge is power when it comes to powering your home, so take control of your energy use and make budgeting a cinch. Together we can reduce energy bills as well as carbon emissions. Find out how you can get a smart meter for your home.

Smart meter customers have their say.

See what our smart meter customers say about their experience with smart meters. Meet Yannick & Ellie who explain how they use their smart meter to understand better who is using the most energy in their household.

Feel the Community power.

The E.ON Next Community is a space for customers just like you, to share experiences and offer advice. Find support or suggest your own energy topics, plus get involved in discussions on the latest energy news.

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1 Next Gust Fixed 12 month tariff. Electricity supply backed by agreements with wind generators in Yorkshire. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply. 2 Next Drive electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.In 2000, coal generated the most energy, closely followed by gas, and then by nuclear power.From October 2021 to September 2022.UK Energy in Brief 2021Since the end of 2020 renewable energy has contributed between 35.3% and 45.4% of total electricity generated in the UK per quarter.National Grid was on average 36.6% renewable from November 2021 to January 2022, and 33% renewable from June 2022 to August 2022.Comparing total demand November 2021 to January 2022 with June 2022 to August 2022.

Published 04/12/2022
Edited 26/08/2024