How to read energy bills.
We want to make your bill as easy to understand as possible. So the next time it lands in your inbox or on your door mat, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking at. We’ve created the diagram below to help break things down for you.
Your previous balance.
This is the balance of your energy bill from last month. If you did not pay the full amount of your previous bill, or you have built up credit on your account, the remaining balance is carried over to your current bill as the previous balance.
We have charged you.
Your charges are worked out by multiplying the energy you used (in kWhs) by the price you pay for each unit of energy. It also includes standing charges, the fixed cost to provide your home with electricity and gas.
We have credited you.
This is how much you've paid since your last electricity and gas bill.
Your new balance.
This is the latest balance on your account. To calculate your new balance we subtract the charges from your previous balance and then add your payments (credit). The total will let you know if you are in debit (DR) or in credit (CR).
Debit and credit.
You may have heard about debit (DR) and credit (CR) but might not know exactly what they mean. Well, put simply, when you see ‘debit’ on your bill, it means you have not paid the total amount for your energy use yet. If you see ‘credit’, it means you have extra money on your account which can be used to pay your next bill.
Building a credit balance.
Building credit in the summer months when you’re not using your energy could be a good idea as it helps manage your increased usage when the winter arrives. If you are a Direct Debit customer it is not unusual to be in debit during the winter and in credit during the summer, as most people use more energy over the colder months. As long as your account is balanced at the end of the year you will not need to increase your payments. However, if you find you are building a large amount of debit or credit you may want to consider changing your payment amount.
Where to find your electricity and gas bill.
Your bill will be sent to you by post, unless you’ve opted to go paperless (which we prefer). In that case, it can be found online by visiting your account. For accessible billing options, you can request braille or large print by emailing us at Learn more about how we are making energy accessible.
Understanding your bill - Energy Bites
Your bill has arrived, but you're unsure what it all means? We’ve got you with our Energy Bites series! Our Energy Specialists are on hand to help you through each step of the process.
Need further help?
If you are struggling to manage your energy account you can nominate someone to help manage your account by adding yourself to the Priority Services Register (PSR).
Help with your energy bills.
We want to reassure you that we are dedicated to helping you where we can. We have put together some helpful resources where you can access support from us, charities and the government.
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