Get your home summer ready.

Get your home summer ready.

Summer energy saving tips.

If you’ve ever seen the roller coaster of a graph that is your energy use, then you’ll know that there’s a big dip through the summer months as we all embrace the warm weather. Well, warmish. However, you can still use this time to make some excellent energy saving choices that will reduce your electricity and gas for the rest of the year. Plus they might save you a quid or two.

Be cool in summer.

Whilst no-one likes an icy shower, by dropping your shower a few degrees you can save on your hot water. Plus, having a cooler shower will help give you a kick in the morning, perfect for getting ready for that hot commute. You can also replace your shower head with an eco-shower head, which will reduce the amount of water coming through and help get that energy bill down.

Break the cycle.

Instead of throwing your wet clothes in the tumble dryer, why not hang them up and let them dry outside? They’ll get that lovely fresh smell and you could save an average of around £60 a year on your electricity bill(1). Just make sure you peg them on, otherwise a stiff breeze could see your underwear all over the neighbourhood.

Step away from the oven.

Not only does cooking with the oven use up energy, it can also heat up your kitchen which can be a real pain in the summer. Why not try making some easy meals such as sandwiches or salads, or even doing a BBQ. If you’re not feeling confident with your cooking then try the microwave. It might not taste as good but it uses less energy(2).

Energy efficiency advice for your home.

Ready to get energy smart? This video is full of useful tips for more efficient energy use in your home.

From smart meters to draft excluders, there are plenty of simple measures we can take to make the most of our home energy.

Make the most of the summer weather.

Firstly, let’s brighten up your home by opening those curtains. Lighting accounts for around 15% of your electricity bill(3), so getting that natural light in can save you money and brighten up your living/work space. Next, add something extra to your garden with solar-powered bulbs. They’ll light up your garden so you can spend more time outside and less time inside using up your electricity. If you want to make a bigger leap, then why not try solar panels? They convert sunlight into electricity and can be used all-year around with our solar battery storage solution. Plus, if you generate too much energy you can always sell it back to the grid with the Smart Export Guarantee. Win win.

Think smart.

Upgrade to a smart meter and start tracking your energy use. You can then see where you’re using those pesky kilowatt hours and do something about it. You could even go for a smart thermostat which will help you control your energy use at the touch of a button, perfect for those who want to do something about their carbon footprint.

Smart meter customers have their say.

See what our smart meter customers say about their experience with smart meters. Meet Mairead, Clem and Julian who've used their smart meter to budget their energy better.

Go the extra mile.

Switch to 100% renewable electricity with our Next Gust4 or Next Drive5 tariff and you can get peace of mind that your electricity is being generated from renewable sources.

Feel the Community power.

The E.ON Next Community is a space for customers just like you, to share experiences and offer advice. Find support or suggest your own energy topics, plus get involved in discussions on the latest energy news.

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1 - Energy Saving Trust: Line drying your clothes outside 2 - 3 - Energy Saving Trust: Home energy efficiency/lighting 4 Next Gust Fixed 12 month tariff. Electricity supply backed by agreements with wind generators in Yorkshire. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply. 5 Next Drive electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.

Published 27/06/2021
Edited 27/08/2024