
Is your boiler ready for winter?

Is your boiler ready for winter?

Let’s face it, without our boilers keeping us warm we’d be lost (or freezing!). So now’s the perfect time to make sure our central heating systems won’t let us down when we need them most. It's super important to keep them in the best condition possible. So how can we make sure our boilers keep us going through those cold winter months? Simply by following this helpful guide to help you to stay a step ahead!

How to choose a new boiler?

We'll help you understand what you need to know when choosing a new boiler for your home. Things like boiler types, efficiency ratings and the space you'll need.

Annual service.

It's a good idea to check the efficiency of your boiler on an annual basis and consider upgrading to a more energy efficient one if you need to. This is done by a certified engineer to check all parts, clean components and review logs. This provides information on things like fuel consumption and flue gas temperature. This information also helps the engineer determine if your boiler will be causing any problems in the future. If you do have an older boiler, it’s recommended you get it serviced every few months – as they can be less efficient and therefore more likely to break down and leave you in the cold. Brrr. As a guide, an inefficient boiler is old, generally installed before 2005, and it’ll have a metal or ceramic flue (exhaust pipe), whereas energy efficient, A-rated boilers have a plastic flue. With HomeServe boiler cover you get a free boiler service in your first year⌂.

Trial run your boiler.

Your boiler needs to be regularly switched on, as it can potentially seize up. It can also lose pressure over time, so it’s really important you switch on your heat – even just for a short time during the summer season.

Is a regular boiler suitable for your home?

Get answers to this and more with our short video guide.

Bleed your radiators.

When switching on your heat, it’s important to see if they’re colder at the bottom than at the top. As this can mean that air is trapped in the system and needs to be released. This air can cause strain on your boiler and wastes both energy and money. If that’s the case, you’ll need to bleed your radiators. You can do this through the following steps:

  • Switch the heat off.

  • Place the key into the bleed valve.

  • Turn the key counter clockwise 25% (a hissing sound will come out).

  • Water will start to drip off the bleed valve.

  • When finished, lock it back up.

Learn more about bleeding your boiler.

Keep an eye out for warnings.

There are some obvious signs your boiler is faulty and may cause a significant danger. This includes:

  • Leaks.

  • Cracks.

  • Clunking noises.

  • Black marks and soot.

  • Gas, fumes or odours.

Checkout more boiler problems and their solutions.

A blue flame.

If your boiler is working perfectly, you’ll see your pilot light is burning a blue flame. If you’ve noticed your pilot light is burning a different colour, or is constantly going out, this could signify some serious issues with your boiler – and needs to be reviewed urgently.

Carbon monoxide.

Lastly, but most importantly, if your boiler is not operating properly, it can produce a clear, tasteless gas – carbon monoxide – also known as a silent killer. It’s really worth installing a carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and testing it regularly.

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⌂ Boiler service is free when compared to the equivalent cover available without a service. Terms and conditions apply.

Published 06/09/2021