Your energy saving A to Z.

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Energy saving tips.

Whether it’s to make your home more sustainable or make your money go further, we could all benefit from saving a bit more energy around the home.  So here are 26 tips to help you do just that.

Adjust your thermostat. Let’s start with an easy win. By lowering your thermostat just one degree, you can save up to 10% on your heating bill1.

Bathe less often. You don’t have to go grubby! However, a short shower uses less water than a bath - switching can save you both water and energy2.

Change your light bulbs. Replace those old incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LEDs. If the typical UK home replaced all of their bulbs with LEDs, it would save about £40 a year on bills3. And they last much longer too3.

Defrost your freezer regularly. A buildup of frost in your freezer can make it work less efficiently and use more electricity. Defrost your freezer regularly to keep it running smoothly.

Electronics should be unplugged. They still use energy when they’re on standby, which adds up over time. So unplug any devices when you’re not using them and help reduce your energy use4.

Fill your dishwasher and washing machine. Make sure you get the most out of each wash and only run your dishwasher or washing machine when it's full.

Give some energy back. Got solar panels? Then you could sell some of it back to the grid through the Smart Export Guarantee - which helps make the grid more renewable (and earns you a little something for your efforts).

Hang out your laundry to dry. Instead of using the tumble dryer, hang your laundry to dry outside or on a drying rack5. It could save you up to £55 a year!

Insulate your home. Proper insulation can help keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, and can save you money on your energy bills6.

Join a renewable energy supplier like E.ON Next. You get 100% renewable electricity when you choose our Next Gust7 or Next Drive8 tariff.

Keep windows and doors closed. Of course, open windows and doors when you need fresh air, but close them when you're not using them so the heat doesn’t escape.

Light your home naturally. You don’t always need to turn the lights on. Open your curtains and blinds to let in natural light during the day. It will save you energy and lift your mood9 too.

Max out that fridge space! A full fridge (and freezer) will run more efficiently than an empty one. Just make sure there’s a bit of room for the cold air to circulate and cool the entire fridge.

New appliance shopping? Then check out the energy rating label on it. This will tell you how energy efficient an appliance is, and a whole lot more. Info like this could help you cut back on your energy use and save your money over the life of the appliance.  

Energy efficiency advice for your home.

Ready to get energy smart? This video is full of useful tips for more efficient energy use in your home.

From smart meters to draft excluders, there are plenty of simple measures we can take to make the most of our home energy.

Only heat the water you need. Whether it’s boiling the kettle for your afternoon cuppa or washing the dishes, only use the water you need. This will save energy and conserve water.

Plant trees and tall plants around your home. They can help block out the sun and act as a windbreak, which can help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.

Quit meat.  Even if you don’t completely quit meat, why not try having one meat free day a week? Vegan diets have a smaller carbon footprint than meat-based ones10.

Recycle and compost. Recycling and composting reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills, which in turn can save energy. For example, recycling aluminium uses 96% less energy11 than producing it from raw materials. And the greenhouse gas emissions from composting are just 14% of the same amount produced by food dumped into landfill12.

Slow cook your meals.  Slow cookers are very energy efficient. In fact, they use around the same amount of energy as a light bulb13 - and they’re a great way to cook a tasty meal!

Tighten up your leaky taps.  A leaky tap not only wastes water, if it’s a hot one it can waste energy too. Fix them and reduce your energy bill.

Unplug. We’ve already talked about how leaving devices on standby still uses energy.  But how about switching off all your devices and giving your brain a break?  Take a walk… play a game of cards… a brief digital detox can help reduce stress14 - and save energy on the appliances you’re not using.

Vent your dryer properly. Make sure your dryer is vented properly to the outside of your home. This will prevent moisture from building up in your home, which in turn makes your place more difficult to keep warm.

Wash clothes in colder water. Washing clothes at 30oC uses less energy than washing them in hot water. And thanks to modern washing powders, your clothes will still get clean.

Xclude drafts from your home. (Well, you try thinking of an energy saving tip that begins with “X’!) Draft proofing your home means you could turn down your thermostat, save energy - and around £45 a year on your bills15

You CAN make a difference.  It’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of climate change and just throw your hands up in despair.  But your actions really can help create a sustainable future.  Remember, the more of us that make the effort, the bigger the positive impact we can have. So don’t stop believin’ keep up the good work, and if you are struggling with eco-anxiety, we can point you in the right direction for help.

Zero waste. Reducing your waste means that overall less energy is used producing new goods that you don’t need. Try recycling and reusing items and see how close you can get to zero.

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  7. Next Gust Fixed 12 month tariff. Electricity supply backed by agreements with wind generators in Yorkshire. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required, where eligible. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.

  8. Next Drive electricity backed by 100% renewable sources, E.ON's renewable generation assets, agreements with UK generators and the purchase of renewable electricity certificates. The electricity supplied to your home comes from the National Grid. Smart meter required. Exit fees and T&Cs apply.








Published 15/01/2024
Edited 26/08/2024