Help with your business bills and payments.
Understanding your electricity and gas bill.
We're here to make your energy bills as simple as possible to read. There are several important bits that you should check when you do receive your electricity and gas bill:
Previous balance - This is the balance of the energy bill you had before.
Charges - How much electricity and/or gas that you've used plus any standing charges.
Payments - How much you've paid since your last electricity and gas bill.
Balance - This is the balance due for payment.
If you pay by Direct Debit then you'll see the list of monthly payments you've made and the balance is there to show you whether you're in credit or debit. Normally you'll be in credit in the summer months and debit in the winter months when your energy use is higher.
You'll also be able to see all of the calculations on your bill, including your current energy prices as well as the details for your electricity and gas meters. If you've switched tariff since your last bill then you'll see separate calculations based on the different energy prices.
Standing charges are a fixed daily amount that customers have to pay, no matter how much energy you use. The charge pays for costs such as government schemes to help reduce carbon emissions and fuel poverty, connections to and maintenance of the energy network as well as service administration charges.
For our PAYG customers, things looks a little different. To help, you can get answers to your PAYG questions as well as support for your particular meter.
How do I receive my invoice and what is in it?
All our invoices are usually sent out as an attachment to an email, however, this may be sent via post and if the email doesn’t get delivered.
The invoice is made up of 3 pages:
Overview of charge/s.
Breakdown of charge/s.
Tariff information.
The first page shows the charges in the invoice, including the Net charges, CCL and VAT as well as the total.
The second page shows a breakdown of the charges, including the readings which are being billed to and from, as well as any readings in that period (not any quarantined readings). Also shows total energy used multiplied by unit rate and total days in the invoice multiplied standing charge.
Finally the third page shows a brief summary of the current tariff, including tariff name, payment method, agreement end date and EAC.
How do we bill?
As your energy supplier, we don't believe in nasty surprises so, by getting accurate meter readings every month, we can see how many kWh you're using and make sure you're only paying for the energy you use. However, you do have the choice to pay quarterly if you're a Direct Debit customer.
If you don't want to give the meter readings yourself, why not get a smart meter? They're free and easy to book.
Here are the most asked business billing and payment questions.
Why are you notifying me that my Direct Debit is due?
I don’t want to receive my bills online?
I think my bill is wrong, what can I do?
How can I get a copy of my bill?
I have an estimated bill. How can I give you my meter reading?
How do I submit a VAT declaration?
Why is VAT calculated at 5% on some bills and 20% on others?
How do I put my VAT invoice through my books?
How can I find out about my pricing structure?
What is the Climate Change Levy?
How do I find out if I'm exempt from the Climate Change Levy?
My bill is higher than expected?
How can I set up a Direct Debit?
What payment methods do you accept?
Need a bit more help?
Check out the various billing and payments guides we have to help solve your query. These include help understanding your bill and managing your Direct Debit.
Get help paying your business' energy bills.
Keeping up with your payments can be difficult. We can offer you support if you do get into financial difficulty, including:
Helping you set up an affordable payment plan that's suitable for your business.
Support and guidance for all your business energy needs.
Flexibility for your business during these uncertain times.
We're here to help.
Get in touch with us and we'll talk to you about your business' circumstances and what we can do to help.