Get help with your EV tariff's billing and payments.

Why does my bill look different with an EV tariff versus a single rate electricity and gas tariff?
It’s that you’re billed using your half hourly data rather than your monthly meter readings. This is because on an EV tariff you’ll normally benefit from cheaper electricity at night, and your half hourly data allows us to see exactly how much you’ve used at this time.
Your smart meter will automatically send us this data so you don’t need to do anything.
What is half hourly data?
Half hourly data allows us to see how much energy you’re using in half hour windows, for example between 1pm and 1.30pm. This means that we can accurately bill you for energy used during this period.
Our Next Drive tariff for example, offers cheaper electricity between 12am and 7am, and the use of half hourly data allows us to accurately calculate what you’ve used during that window to charge your electric car.
What happens if you can’t get my half hourly data?
Sometimes the meter may not send your half hourly data, which can be for various reasons.
When this happens, we will need to bill to our standard variable tariff for the period we were not able to obtain HH data. We will review the percentage of what you normally use between midnight and 7am and credit any difference.
Why your bills can go up and down with a fixed EV tariff.
Don't worry, this is perfectly normal. The fixed part of your tariff refers to how much you pay for each kWh of electricity and gas you use. So you'll always be charged the same amount for each kWh, you'll just use more over winter when you've got the heating on.
If you think your bills are too high, make sure you’re charging your electric car at the cheaper times, for example 12am - 7am on our Next Drive tariff.
Why does my in-home display (IHD) not show the right information?
Because we bill you using your half hourly data, your IHD won’t be able to tell when you’re using your cheaper electricity at night. We recommend using your app to get up to date information on your bills.
Will my gas bill be affected?
Your gas usage will still be billed using meter readings which we’ll get automatically from your smart meter.
Why is my energy use not up to date?
It can sometimes take a while for us to get your energy use data from the Data Communications Company (DCC). Don’t worry, we’ll still bill you accurately.
What if I think my bill is incorrect?
Normally we’d recommend you send us a meter reading, however as we’re using your half hourly data, it’s best to check your app and make sure that the times you’re charging your car match with what you’re seeing in the app.
Am I in credit or debit?
On your bill, a debit balance will be shown with a DR after it, for example: £45 DR. However if you’re in credit then your balance will show as £45 CR.
Where is my bill?
You can view and download up to two years worth of bills through your online account. If you can’t see how much energy you’ve used in the app then we may not be getting your half hourly data which means we won’t be able to send you a bill.
If it’s been more than 48 hours with no data on the app and your bill is overdue, please contact us.
Why do you want to increase my Direct Debit?
We'll need to increase your Direct Debit to cover your energy use so that you don't end up in debt. We regularly check how much electricity and gas you're using to make sure that you're paying the right amount.
Can I change my Direct Debit amount?
If you feel that you’re paying too much or too little and aren’t sure if this is right or just want some extra guidance, get in touch and we can look at changing this for you.
We’d always just ask you to remember that your Direct Debit amount is based on 12 months of usage divided into equal payments, plus an amount to help build up a healthy credit balance and avoid going into debt in the winter.
What happens if I’m on an E7/E10 meter?
If you’re already on a multiple rate tariff, for example you have day/night meter readings then your billing won’t change and your off peak times will remain the same.
Your smart meter will send us meter readings so that we can bill you and your IHD should work correctly.