Getting a new electric key or gas card.

We will always help you replace your lost, stolen or damaged electric key or gas card.

lost prepayment key or card

Sorting a replacement gas card.

If your gas card seems to be faulty first try giving the gold chip on the card a clean and see if that resolves the issue. If that doesn’t fix it get in touch with us to get a replacement. This also applies if you’ve lost or had your gas card stolen.

You can either arrange to collect your new card from a local outlet or we can post it out to you.

Once you receive your new card you’ll need to put it in your meter for one minute so that it knows which gas meter it belongs to.

Replacing an electricity key.

Similar to a gas card, if your electricity key isn’t working then giving it a clean may fix the issue. However if you need to get a new key then you’ll need to get in touch.

You can either arrange to collect your new card from a local outlet or we can post it out to you.

Once you receive your key you’ll need to put it in your electricity meter to register it before you can take it to be topped up.

What happens to the lost credit?

If you had credit on the previous electricity key or gas card then you won’t lose it. Every time you top up the transaction gets recorded on your account so you’ll need to contact us and we’ll be happy to sort you a credit refund.

You may need to have your receipt as proof of purchase.

How do I contact you?

You can contact us on WhatsApp. You can also email us at If you want to speak to one of our Energy Specialists on the phone then you can call us on 0808 501 5200.

What if I run out of credit?

If your electricity or gas meter has run out of credit then you could be disconnected. To reconnect your meter you’ll need to insert your new key or card when you get them with enough credit to cover any emergency credit you used as well as any standing charges.

I’ve not received my new key or card.

They can take a few days to be posted out to you. If you’ve not received them within a week, please let us know so we can sort it for you.

I think my prepayment meter is faulty.

Received your new key or card and it’s still not working? If your gas or electricity meter are displaying an error code or a blank screen then it may be your prepayment meter that is faulty. Check out what each error code means and what you need to do.

Leaf with headset.

Got more questions?

If you've got more questions, have a look at our prepayment FAQs. The chances are we've been asked it before.

Switch to Smart Pay As You Go.

Prepayment customer? Combine the flexibility of a pay as you go tariff with the convenience of a smart meter. Switching to smart means you can top up by app, online, by phone or at a Post Office.

Learn more about the smart combination.

Leaf on a phone.