Switch to Smart Pay As You Go.
What is Smart Pay As You Go?
Think of it as a prepayment smart meter. Smart Pay As You Go combines the flexibility of a pre-pay tariff with the convenience of a smart meter. You’ll get an in-home display which you can use to view and manage your energy use in the comfort of your own home.

The smarter way to top up your energy.
Smart Pay As You Go still allows you to pay for your energy as you use it, but with new ways to top up. You can top up using our app, online or in PayPoint, Payzone or Post Office stores. You also get alerts when your credit is running low.
And if you do run out of credit, we won't disconnect you on weekends, UK Bank Holidays or between 4pm and 10am Monday to Friday.
What to expect.
Understand what it means to have a Smart Pay As You Go meter.
Your online features.
See what you can do online and what your in-home display can do.
How to top up online.
Watch how you can top up at any time of the day through your online account.
How to top up with cash.
Find out how you can top up with cash at your local shop.
How to use your in-home display.
Learn how you can manage your energy use and make savings with your IHD.
How to enter your top up code.
Watch for a detailed explanation on how to manually enter your top up code (sometimes referred to as a UTRN) on your smart pre-payment meter.
Already a Smart Pay As You Go customer? Need a bit of help? Our handy Smart Pay As You Go FAQs can answer any questions you have.
Keep track of your balance using our app, website or your in-home display.
Top up
Top up easily using our app, website or by heading to your local shop.
Turn your alerts on/off and update your communication preferences.