Switch to Next Pledge.

How it works:
With our Next Pledge tariff, you'll get energy prices guaranteed to stay below the Ofgem price cap - saving you £50 based on average annual consumption.* T&Cs apply.
£50 saving is applied as a reduction on unit rates split across both electricity and gas (£25 saving per fuel) based on Ofgem average dual fuel customer. If you use less than this you'll see a lower saving amount.
Unlike other fixed tariffs, you’ll also benefit if energy prices drop. With Pledge, you can count on:
Guaranteed savings vs the price cap.
Automatically benefitting if energy prices drop.
No exit fees.
Next Pledge is a 12-month fixed term tracker tariff. Please bear in mind that your energy rates will change when the price cap is reviewed, and bills will vary depending on your usage.
Requires payment by Direct Debit and a smart meter installation where possible.
Already an E.ON Next customer?
If you're already with us and you want to switch to the Next Pledge tariff, you might be able to through your online dashboard.
What our energy customers say about us.
We'll always go that extra mile for you, but don't take our word for it, check out what our customers have to say. Once you switch your electricity and gas to us, you'll never want to leave.
The Next Pledge tariff is very good value for me.
Peter, March 2024
I changed to the Next Pledge tariff and it is so simple.
Mr R D Wallis, March 2024
The customer service was polite and helpful.
Julie, April 2024
* The legal stuff
*Next Pledge is a 12-month fixed term tracker tariff with variable rates that are always lower in comparison to the Ofgem Price Cap, that applies to standard variable tariffs.
£50 saving is applied as a reduction on unit rates split across both electricity and gas (£25 saving per fuel) based on Ofgem average dual fuel customer.
Actual savings depend on usage and region.
Payment by Direct Debit required.
There are no exit fees with this tariff.
E.ON Next customers can save up to £50 off an Electric Vehicle home charger, up to £200 off solar panels and batteries and £350 off a heat pump. T&Cs apply.